Can I Get Private Alcohol Treatment for My Addiction?

by | Sep 22, 2021 | Addiction, Recovery | 0 comments

The 2019 national survey on drug use and health indicates that more than 14.5 million people (some as young as age twelve ) in the United States meet the diagnostic criteria for an alcohol use disorder. Of that number, over 400,000 fell between the ages of twelve and seventeen. Although alcohol use disorders, or alcohol addiction, typically affect men more often than women, alcohol addiction can affect anyone of any age. Because addiction is a struggle that knows no boundaries, you or a loved one have likely been touched by alcohol use disorder at some point. Overcoming alcohol addiction is difficult and often requires addiction treatment and detox services at a treatment facility like Cal Recovery. Without detox or deciding to quit alcohol “cold turkey,” many who strive to put alcohol use in the past succumb to withdrawal symptoms and inevitably relapse.

Seeking addiction treatment early is key to successfully and safely overcoming alcohol addiction. Because alcohol, like many other addictive substances, impacts each person in unique ways, it can be challenging to understand the severity of someone’s addiction. Although addiction symptoms will often look different from person to person, some common symptoms typically occur across many situations. The presence of these symptoms may indicate that you or a loved one could benefit from comprehensive addiction treatment to overcome a destructive relationship with alcohol.

Signs and Symptoms of an Alcohol Addiction

Signs and symptoms of alcohol addiction may be physical, behavioral, and psychological. Physical symptoms such as slurred speech and poor coordination are often easier to see as they are generally outwardly visible. Behavioral signs often present as changes in behavior such as increased isolation, denying a problem with alcohol, anxiety over not having access to alcohol, and engaging in risky behavior because of alcohol. From psychological symptoms may include memory impairment, difficulties concentrating, and new or worsening mental health conditions.

In addition to the above, someone with a long-term alcohol addiction may experience physical impacts in the form of medical conditions such as stomach problems, liver problems, and other illnesses. Additionally, when someone who has an alcohol addiction tries to stop drinking without the support and guidance of an addiction treatment program, they will experience withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms can occur in as little as two hours after their last drink, and depending on the severity of addiction, some withdrawal symptoms can be dangerous and life-threatening. 

Can I Get Private Alcohol Treatment? 

When considering addiction treatment, people are often concerned about what the environment at an addiction treatment center is like. One of the difficulties people sometimes face when seeking help is fear of how they will feel at alcohol rehab. For some, the idea of being in a community rehab environment. You may feel uncomfortable sharing and opening up about your experiences with alcohol with people you do not know. In some cases, discomfort and fear make people forego seeking potentially life-saving addiction treatment. At Cal Recovery, we offer the solution to many of your worries. 

At Cal Recovery, we provide a comprehensive, evidence-based addiction treatment program based on your unique needs and goals. At our Roseville, CA treatment center, we offer addiction treatment in an environment that is different from the rest. We offer private rooms and individual therapy in an intimate atmosphere creating a treatment program that feels private and comfortable. We will work with you to create a therapy program focused on helping you heal physically, psychologically, and spiritually. 

Contact our admissions team today if you or a loved one are ready to overcome alcohol addiction and would like to learn more about private alcohol treatment at Cal Recovery. 

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