Can You Get Addicted to Wine?

by | Sep 16, 2021 | Addiction, Recovery | 0 comments

Problematic drinking is a challenge that millions of people across the nation struggle with each day. Although having a glass of wine or a beer to unwind after a long day is not considered problematic, it is essential to understand where moderate drinking ends and potential addiction begins. Alcohol addiction is a disease that progresses with time. Therefore, it is necessary to understand your drinking habits to better understand how drinking affects your day-to-day responsibilities, relationships, and overall health and well-being. Excessive drinking of any type of alcohol can lead to the onset of chronic alcohol use and may indicate the presence of an alcohol use disorder that requires comprehensive treatment to overcome. 

Can You Get Addicted to Wine? 

It is important to note that an addiction to just wine is unlikely. You are more likely to develop an addiction to alcohol, but perhaps you prefer the taste of wine to beer or other types of liquor. However, some people only drink wine, and therefore, it is possible to say they are addicted to wine. Like all other alcohol addictions, an addiction to wine does not develop overnight. It is the result of a pattern of chronic alcohol abuse. Wine abuse (or addiction) occurs when someone drinks wine to the point where it becomes an obsessive and compulsive behavior. Sometimes, someone who is addicted to wine may be referred to as a wino, which is a derogatory term for an alcoholic who likes cheap wine. 

Signs I Have a Wine Addiction

The signs or symptoms of a wine addiction are like those of other types of alcohol addiction. First, you will notice you drink wine more often and more frequently. A glass of wine poured to decompress after a hard day at work turns into two or three or more. You may even notice that glasses of wine become bottles of wine. 

Friends and loved ones may also notice a change in your drinking patterns. If they have started commenting on how much or how often you drink or they make a note of how quickly you pour a glass of wine each night, it may indicate you have a wine addiction and should consider seeking addiction treatment help at a treatment center like Cal Recovery Center. 

Another sign of wine addiction is drinking to the point of “blackout.” Blackout drinking or getting “blackout drunk” are often associated with binge drinking or college party drinking. However, it can happen with wine or even beer. Blacking out or the inability to remember things after drinking occurs when you drink too much too quickly. The body is unable to process the alcohol quickly enough, and vital body functions are impaired. 

If you notice you cannot function without a drink in your hand or that alcohol has taken precedence over other vital day-to-day tasks and social relationships, you need to consider seeking help for wine addiction. 

How To Get Help With Abusing Wine or Other Alcohol

If you find you cannot enjoy a social event or struggle to relax or fall asleep without wine, you may have a wine addiction. If you are concerned your drinking, whether wine or another type of alcohol, is having an adverse effect on your life and the lives of those around you, it is vital to seek help. It is important to remember that there is no such thing as “too mild of a disorder” to consider seeking help. If you are worried, there is likely a good reason. 

If you or a loved one struggles with an alcohol use disorder, contact us at Cal Recovery Center today to learn more about our programs and how we can help you overcome your struggles with alcohol. 

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