California Recovery Center

COVID-19 Policy

Home 5 Covid-19 Policy

Please read our COVID-19 Screening Guidelines prior to your visit or stay

California Recovery Center’s immediate concern is to keep patients and staff safe from the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Our staff has been educated on the signs and symptoms of the virus to ensure thorough monitoring and has been instructed to report anyone thought to be infected to medical personnel. We take appropriate measures to ensure the health and safety of the residents and employees in relation to COVID-19. We are following the Department of Health and the CDC guidelines and will report any incidents to the local health department.

We are accepting new residents at our facility at this time with the added precautions listed below.

For Inquiring Clients

Potential Admissions


The admissions department will administer the Infectious Disease Screening to all potential admissions.


If a potential resident indicates YES to any of the questions on the Infectious Disease Screening, the individual will be required to obtain medical clearance prior to admissions appointment.

For New Residents

New Patient Admissions


All individuals scheduled for admission will be greeted outside the facility by a California Recovery Center designated employee.


The employee will administer Infectious Disease Screening.


If the individual responds YES to any of the questions on the Infectious Disease Screening, medical clearance will be required prior to admission.


If a resident does not feel well, they will be required to self-quarantine in the facility. The Patient Care staff, guided by our Medical Director, will determine whether they need to go to a hospital.


If the resident tests positive for COVID-19, they will be required to submit a medical clearance prior to returning to treatment.

For loved-ones



All visitors will be greeted outside of the facility by a California Recovery Center designated employee.


Visiting will be temporarily for emergency purposes only.


All visitors will be asked to participate in the Infectious Disease Screening.


If the visitor responds YES to any of the questions on the Infectious Disease Screening, they will not be permitted to enter the facility.

Our Programs

Family & Alumni Programming


Alumni events will be cancelled until further notice.


Family Sessions and family engagement can be conducted via the telephone.

Our Programs

Facility Operations


Deep cleanse of all facilities will be performed routinely to reduce the risk of transmission of the virus and to best ensure a healthy environment.


Staff has been instructed to regularly disinfect surfaces where viruses can be transmitted.


If an employee is absent for work due to illness-related issues, a physician’s note will be required to return to work.


All doors will remain locked to reduce risk of contaminating the facility.


Employee Training is provided on universal health precautions.


Resident Training is provided on universal health precautions.


Place notice of Public Health Alerts on all entryways.

Dear Reader,

In the interest of early detection and for the health of our population, we kindly ask that any visitor who has a fever, cough, or flu-like symptoms stay home. We reserve the right to refuse entry to any persons who may be considered a threat to the health of our population.

Signs and Symptoms of COVID-19:




Shortness of Breath


Difficulty Breathing




California Recovery Center

Covid-19 Testing Service

CRC Labs

Our California lab COVID-19 testing services provide each patient with the support and information necessary to implement and manage your results. We incorporate industry best practices into your testing solutions to ensure that you are receiving accurate and reliable results that will help in improving your condition through providing the right information the first time around to save you both time and money.

Get reliable and convenient drive-thru nasal PCR COVID-19 test results in Roseville, California at CRC Labs. 

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