The Signs of Detoxing From Drugs

by | Oct 18, 2021 | Addiction, Recovery | 0 comments

When someone struggles with a long-term addiction to drugs, effects on their physical and psychological health occur. Depending on the substance and the severity of your addiction, it may be challenging to overcome dependency on substances without the support and guidance of a professional addiction treatment center. Drug detox and withdrawal are complicated, and the symptoms and challenges each person experiences are unique to their addiction. In some cases, withdrawal can lead to potentially dangerous and even fatal side effects. For this reason, it is essential to detox under medical supervision at a professional drug rehab. 

What Are the Signs of Detoxing From Drugs?

When someone is detoxing from drugs, the signs and symptoms will vary. Detox symptoms are typically unique to the person, the type of drug they used, how long they struggled with addiction, and the severity of their use. In addition to substance-specific symptoms, there are various signs of detoxing from drugs that are common across most situations. These include restlessness, aches and pains, difficulties with sleep, appetite changes, irritability, mood, behavior changes, and respiratory problems. Other signs that commonly occur include nausea, vomiting, shakiness, and sweating. Some people experience more severe symptoms that require medical support and supervision during detox. These are hallucinations, seizures, cardiac and respiratory failure, and DTs (delirium tremens). 

Several types of drugs can lead to withdrawal (or detox) symptoms when you stop using or reduce how often you use. Drugs such as antidepressants, barbiturates, cannabis, depressants, hallucinogens, inhalants, opioids, stimulants, and alcohol all lead to a range of withdrawal symptoms which can be mild, moderate, or severe. Often, signs of detox are the opposite of the effects experienced from taking the drug. For example, depressant drugs slow the activities of the central nervous system. When someone drinks, they experience relaxation and a reduction in inhibitions. When they suddenly stop drinking or reduce the amount they drink, symptoms such as anxiety, restlessness, and excitability occur. 

Why You Should Detox From Drugs at a Professional Facility Today

Withdrawal symptoms are a part of detoxing from drugs for someone who enters addiction treatment. Depending on the nature and severity of your addiction, withdrawal can lead to intense and sometimes overwhelming symptoms. In some cases, medical intervention is necessary to ensure safety. When you choose to detox alone, medical help is not available to assist with these symptoms. The duration and severity of withdrawal symptoms will depend on your specific circumstances. Signs of detoxing from drugs may begin in as few as a couple of hours and last for up to ten days. In most cases, the most difficult symptoms appear within the first 48-72 hours. 

Detoxing at a professional facility ensures you will have the support and guidance you need to manage withdrawal symptoms. At a professional detox center, trained medical staff are available to monitor vitals and provide medical and emotional support throughout the most challenging stages of detox. Once detox is complete, it is possible to seamlessly transition into the therapeutic portion of an addiction treatment program. 

Seeking treatment at a professional treatment center is an essential step towards achieving and maintaining lasting health and sobriety. At Cal Recovery Center, we will work with you to ensure all stages of your treatment program focus on helping you achieve your treatment needs and goals. Our treatment plans are based on evidence-based therapy models that focus on addressing your physical, psychological, and spiritual needs to ensure you receive the most comprehensive treatment possible. 

To learn more about Cal Recovery Center and how our addiction treatment programs can help you detox and recover from drug addiction, contact our admissions team today

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