When mental health challenges and addiction overlap, it can be challenging to know when a dual diagnosis...
Mental Health
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Understanding Trauma in Addiction Recovery: The Importance of Trauma-Informed Care
Trauma plays a significant role in the development of addiction. Many individuals struggling with substance...
The Role of Family Therapy in Addiction Recovery: Building Support Networks
Addiction is a family disease. It affects not only the person struggling but also their loved ones. Family...
Link Between Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder (SUD) – Depression Awareness Month
October is Depression Awareness Month, a critical time to highlight the important connection between mental...
Benefits of Peer Support in Addiction Recovery: The Power of Connection in Sustaining Sobriety
Addiction recovery is never intended to be an individual journey. While personalized and individual...
Effects of Stimulants: The Impact on Mental Health
The effect of stimulants on the brain and body is profound, altering brain chemistry in ways that can...