What Is the Most Common Mood Disorder?

What Is the most common mood disorder?

At any given time, as many as one in five American adults struggle with a mental illness, mood disorders included. According to the National Institutes of Health, approximately twenty-one million adults over the age of eighteen meet the diagnostic criteria for a mood disorder. Mood disorders can affect anyone at any point in their life, and many factors can contribute to developing a mood disorder. Because mood disorders do not discriminate based on age, race, gender, ethnicity, or any other demographic, it can be challenging to pinpoint a specific root cause. In many cases (even more so with males), those who experience symptoms related to a mood disorder are more likely to have a co-occurring substance abuse disorder

What Is a Mood Disorder?

It is normal for your mood to change now and then. Everyone experiences changes in mood or “mood swings” depending on experiences or situations. A mood disorder is more than a mere fluctuation in your emotions. Mood disorders are mental health problems that affect a person’s emotional state. When someone has a mood disorder, they experience long periods of extreme happiness, extreme sadness, or both. To be diagnosed with a mood disorder, your symptoms must be present for several weeks or longer. Mood disorders can cause alterations in behavior that affect your ability to manage routine obligations, including work, school, and other day-to-day activities. 

The Most Common Mood Disorder

There are many different categories of mood disorders. Within each category, there are several diagnoses. For example, bipolar disorder is a mood disorder category, and within the category, there are several types of disorders. Major depressive disorder or MDD is the most commonly diagnosed mood disorder in the United States. According to the National Alliance on Mental illness (NAMI), more than nineteen million people (almost eight percent of the population) struggle with major depressive disorder each year. Like bipolar disorder, there are several different types of depression, including major depressive disorder, persistent depressive disorder, seasonal affective disorder, postpartum depression, and depression related to a medical condition, medication, or substance use disorder

How to Treat Mood Disorders

Treatment for a mood disorder will depend on the specific diagnosis and the symptoms you experience. The most common treatments include a combination of medication and therapy, specifically, psychotherapy (talk therapy). 

Several medications have proven successful in treating mood disorders. Antidepressants work well in the treatment of depression and depressive episodes linked to bipolar disorder. Some of the most commonly prescribed antidepressant medications include Lexapro, Prozac, Zoloft, Cymbalta, and others. These medications are classified as either selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). Again, the specific medication that will be the most successful for you will vary based on your symptoms as well as any underlying medical or co-occurring mental health conditions. Mood stabilizing and antipsychotic drugs may also be prescribed in addition to antidepressants in some cases, if the antidepressant medication is unable to adequately control symptoms. 

If you struggle with depression, various types of psychotherapy are also beneficial to your recovery. The most common types of psychotherapy include cognitive-behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, and problem-solving therapy. These therapies are also successful in treating co-occurring substance use disorders that commonly arise due to ongoing struggles with depression and other mood disorders. 

Occasional mood swings and difficulties managing emotions are common experiences for everyone. In most cases, this does not indicate the presence of a mood disorder. However, if your symptoms persist for more than two weeks and you find they interfere with your ability to focus and participate in day-to-day activities or you find you are looking to substances as a way to reduce the intensity of symptoms, it may be time to consider seeking treatment at Cal Recovery Center. 

What Causes Personality Disorders?

what causes personality disorders?

There are several different types of personality disorders. Some, such as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or Paranoid Personality Disorder, are familiar to many. However, there are several that are not as well known, yet those who live with their symptoms struggle each day to accomplish day-to-day tasks. It is estimated that as many as ten percent of the United States population meet the diagnostic criteria for at least one personality disorder. Considered the most common of all psychiatric diagnoses, personality disorders are diagnosed in as many as sixty percent of patients. Studies also estimate that between sixty-five and ninety percent of people seeking addiction treatment for a substance use disorder have at least one personality disorder. 

What Is a Personality Disorder?

Personality disorders are a group of mental health conditions characterized by unhealthy, often inflexible thinking, feeling, and behaving patterns. Someone with a personality disorder will usually struggle to have healthy relationships with others or to manage everyday problems in ways that are considered “acceptable” by others. They will generally believe their way of thinking and behaving, while often contrary to what is socially acceptable, is entirely and totally normal. The actions and feelings of someone with a personality disorder often lead to them placing the blame for their difficulties on others. This frequently leads to problems in social, personal, academic, and employment settings. 

What Are the Types of Personality Disorders? 

Personality disorders are grouped into three clusters based on characteristics and symptoms. Some people may experience signs and symptoms of multiple personality disorders from one or multiple clusters. 

Custer A: Suspicious

Cluster A disorders are characterized by symptoms related to the individual’s thoughts or views of others. It includes three personality disorders including paranoid personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder, and schizotypal personality disorder. 

Cluster B: Emotional and Impulsive

Cluster B disorders are characterized by symptoms related to how the individual acts towards or treats others and their view of how they relate to (compare to) others. It includes four disorders, including antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder, and narcissistic personality disorder.

Cluster C: Anxious

Cluster C disorders are those that decide how people feel in their relationship with others or their environment. Cluster C includes three disorders, including avoidant personality disorder, dependent personality disorder, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.

What Causes Personality Disorders?

Personality disorders remain among the least understood and least recognized mental health conditions. The precise cause of personality disorders is not known. However, research suggests factors such as genetics, abuse, and substance use and abuse may contribute to new or worsening symptoms. Although there is limited research into personality disorders, no studies to date have been able to show that someone is “born” with a personality disorder. 

Some personality disorders are thought to develop as a way of coping with stress or difficult events or situations such as abuse or neglect. When left untreated, personality disorder symptoms can evolve into significant psychological and social struggles. Also, someone with an untreated personality disorder is at greater risk for drug or alcohol abuse. 

Reach Out to California Recovery Center for More Information Today

If you or a loved one struggles with a personality disorder, it is vital to seek treatment in a setting where dual diagnosis treatment is available. Comprehensive (and simultaneous) treatment for addiction and co-occurring mental health conditions is essential for positive and successful treatment outcomes. Treating one condition while failing to address the symptoms and struggles of the other often leads to worsening symptoms and potential relapse as many people who struggle with a personality disorder turn to substances to self-medicate. With treatment, it is possible to reduce the intensity of personality disorder symptoms while learning safe and healthy ways to cope with triggering events or situations. 

At Cal Recovery Center, our skilled dual-diagnosis treatment staff is waiting to help you begin your recovery journey. Reach out to our admissions team today to learn more about how our programs can help. 

How to Start and Keep Good Habits in Addiction Recovery

How to start and keep good habits in addiction recovery

Deciding to seek treatment is often one of the most challenging decisions someone struggling with an addiction will face; however, it is often not the last. Successful completion of a comprehensive addiction treatment program at Cal Recovery Center is an essential first step towards attaining sobriety and improving your chances of long-term recovery. During treatment, you will learn and explore the issues that lie at the root of your addiction. You will also learn safe and healthy ways to evaluate and change the negative thought and behavior patterns that continue to propagate addictive behaviors. The skills you will learn and practice during treatment will be beneficial during the early days of recovery and beyond. For many who are beginning their sobriety journey, it is common to wonder what happens after treatment. What are the next steps? How do I keep using and practicing the good habits I learned during treatment during addiction recovery?

How to Start and Keep Good Habits in Addiction Recovery

Addiction is a disease. For most, it is a disease characterized by bumps, setbacks, and instances of relapse on the road to recovery. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) indicates as many as 60% of those who complete an addiction treatment program will experience at least one incidence of relapse. Addiction does not have a cure; however, with a comprehensive addiction treatment program and a robust aftercare program, sobriety and long-term recovery are within reach. Many habits that will help you continue towards successful recovery are learned during treatment or as part of an aftercare program. 

Complete an Aftercare Plan

An aftercare plan is a vital component in preventing relapse. To provide the most benefit, one should transition directly to aftercare immediately after completing their addiction treatment program. Aftercare programs (or relapse prevention programs) are designed to create a supportive and comfortable environment where recovering addicts can feel comfortable speaking openly about their struggles, temptations, feelings, and strength throughout the recovery process. Maintaining a connection within the recovery community and the support systems provided through aftercare planning is one of the number one ways to remain sober and prevent relapse. 

Go to Support Groups (AA, NA, etc.)

Programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) provide recovering addicts an outlet to discuss their struggles in sobriety with a group of peers who share similar concerns and experiences throughout various stages of recovery. Support groups also provide a means for developing new, healthy social circles. 

Focus on Your Overall Wellness with Nutrition and Exercise

Many addiction treatment programs provide support and guidance around nutrition, diet, and physical activity. It is not uncommon for inpatient residential programs and various outpatient programs to provide patients access to on-site gyms or other avenues to participate in physical activity. One of the biggest reasons for relapse is turning to substances during times of stress or other triggering experiences. An excellent way to ward off stress and triggers is through exercise and focusing on self-care. Although you will likely learn about the various ways concentrating on your overall wellness can help you throughout your recovery journey during your treatment program, it is crucial to maintain ongoing participation and focus on your wellness as you leave treatment and focus on continuing sobriety and recovery. 

Many of the good habits you will learn and practice during addiction treatment are beneficial not only during the early stages of recovery but throughout your future without drugs and alcohol. Given the high incidence of relapse for many who complete an addiction treatment program, it is crucial to ensure that your aftercare plan consists of ways to safely and in a healthier way reduce the impacts of triggers and other factors that can lead to relapse. If you are ready to begin your sobriety journey today, reach out to the admissions team at Cal Recovery. 

Get the Help You Need At an Adderall Rehab

Get the help you need at an Adderall rehab

If you, your child, or a loved one struggle with the symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), you are likely familiar with the medication Adderall. Adderall was first approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 1996 and has since been used for individuals across a wide age range to help alleviate and reduce the intrusive nature of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms. When taken as directed, Adderall is considered safe and beneficial. However, when misused or taken by someone other than the patient, Adderall can be highly addictive, and withdrawing from its effects often requires treatment at an Adderall rehab.

What Is Adderall?

Adderall is the brand name for a combination drug used primarily to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. Containing a combination of dextroamphetamine and amphetamine, Adderall works within the brain to alter the effects and production of naturally occurring chemicals, including dopamine and norepinephrine. Adderall is used to improve symptoms such as hyperactivity, impulsive behavior, and difficulties maintaining attention span. 

Data from the Cleveland Clinic indicates Adderall helps to reduce symptoms related to attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in up to eighty percent of children and seventy percent of adults. When used in conjunction with behavioral therapies as part of a comprehensive mental health program, the results can be even greater. 

Why Is Adderall Addictive?

Adderall is a stimulant medication making addiction more likely in cases of misuse or abuse. It is not uncommon for people to take Adderall for help with focus, academic performance, to improve their mood, and even decrease their appetite. Unfortunately, these “off-label” uses of Adderall in a manner other than prescribed or by someone other than the patient can lead to addiction and significant side effects. 

Adderall works by increasing levels of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is often referred to as a “feel good” hormone because it is responsible for feelings of joy, pleasure, and reward. Adderall also increases levels of norepinephrine in the brain. Norepinephrine (along with adrenaline) is responsible for increasing heart rate and blood circulation, resulting in increased energy and alertness. With ongoing use, people eventually build up a tolerance to and dependency on the feelings resulting from Adderall use. In some cases, if Adderall is no longer available, some people turn to methamphetamine to replicate the “high” experience when taking Adderall. Methamphetamine use is illegal; however, millions of people who once used Adderall either with a prescription or without, turn to it each year if their Adderall prescription ends or they cannot obtain Adderall in other ways. 

How an Adderall Rehab Helps You Get Sober

Like other stimulant drugs that produce a “feel good” high, quitting Adderall often requires an Adderall rehab. Suddenly stopping or significantly reducing the dose of Adderall your body has become accustomed to may trigger intense withdrawal symptoms in some people. Even when taken as prescribed, Adderall use can lead to physical dependence. If you have developed a physical dependence on the effects of Adderall, withdrawal symptoms are likely. Some of the most common symptoms include cravings, difficulties sleeping, mood changes, appetite changes, panic attacks, anxiety, and fatigue. 

In many cases, these symptoms are mild; however, they can be overwhelming in others, leading to relapse or other drug-seeking behaviors. The most effective way to ensure your safety and success when getting off Adderall is to enroll in a supervised detox program like Cal Recovery. In a supervised setting, trained medical professionals can provide support and guidance as you taper off your Adderall usage and complete the detox process. Suddenly stopping Adderall use entirely is never recommended. For long-term Adderall users, the withdrawal process can be severe and present with medical challenges such as cardiac arrest, seizures, and psychosis. For these reasons, it is always recommended to withdraw under medical supervision. 

If you or a loved one are ready to seek treatment and begin your sobriety journey without Adderall, reach out to the admissions team at Cal Recovery today. 

A Safe Detox from Drugs and Alcohol

How can I safely detox from drugs and alcohol

Ongoing abuse of drugs and alcohol will eventually result in harmful impacts on your physical and psychological health. Deciding to seek addiction treatment and entering a drug and alcohol rehab program like Cal Recovery is a challenging step, especially as many enter treatment with various questions, concerns, and fears about detox. What is detox? What can I expect at a comprehensive detox program? Is it going to be like I see on television? Detox and withdrawal are not easy, and the symptoms you will experience are unique to you. No two people experience detox and withdrawal in the same way. 

What Does It Mean to Detox From Drugs and Alcohol?

When someone enters an addiction treatment program like Cal Recovery, the first step on their sobriety journey is often detox. It is vital to cleanse the body of any substance that may remain. When someone begins to detox, the body often reacts negatively to a lack of drugs or alcohol that it has become accustomed to. These negative reactions or effects are known as withdrawal symptoms. The duration, intensity, and severity of the withdrawal symptoms you experience during detox are related to various factors, including how long you have struggled with addiction, the severity of your addiction, and the substance or substances you used. It is important to note that detoxing from certain drugs such as opioids or alcohol can be dangerous and sometimes leads to fatal withdrawal symptoms. 

The process of detox begins with the decision to stop drinking or using drugs. During detox, your body must learn to function without substances it has become dependent on. For many, the detox process can be scary, unpleasant, and, as previously mentioned, dangerous. While using or drinking, your brain and systems within the body become accustomed to certain levels of drugs or alcohol to function. Withdrawal symptoms are your body’s reaction to not having access to the substances it craves. For most, withdrawal symptoms last for three to seven days, although they can last up to two weeks in some cases. Common withdrawal symptoms include changes in appetite, altered mood or behavior, fatigue, restlessness and irritability, aches and pains, changes in sleeping patterns, and respiratory issues such as congestion or runny nose. Other common symptoms include sweating, shakiness, nausea, and vomiting. In some cases, more severe symptoms such as seizures, cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, and delirium tremens (DTs) can occur. For these more severe symptoms, medically assisted detox programs are recommended over choosing to quit “cold turkey.”

What Is the Best Way to Safely Detox?

The best and safest way to detox from drugs and alcohol is at a medically assisted detox program like Cal Recovery. At an addiction treatment center specializing in medically assisted detox, you will receive medical supervision throughout the detox process. Depending on your unique needs and the design of the program, this may include the administration of medication to help manage and reduce the intensity of withdrawal symptoms. Throughout the duration of detox, medical professionals will continually monitor your vitals (including blood pressure, temperature, heart rate, and breathing) to ensure your ongoing safety and reduce the chances of an acute medical emergency. Medically assisted detox helps provide holistic assistance with mental and physical stability while providing nutritional support during the earliest and most challenging days of treatment. Once detox is complete, it is possible to transition to our addiction treatment program, including therapy, addiction education, and aftercare support.

If you are ready to begin your journey to sobriety, contact the admissions team at Cal Recovery today to learn more about medically assisted detox and our addiction treatment programs. 

Sending My Loved One to a Drug Rehab in Truckee, CA

Drug rehabilitation centers in Truckee, CA

Although addiction has profound physical and psychological effects on the individual who uses it, they are not alone in their struggle. When a loved one struggles with addiction to drugs or alcohol, it is not uncommon for them to say or do things that inflict emotional pain and discomfort on those they care about most. This happens due to what a struggling individual may say or as a result of how their behaviors and moods change in harmful and often self-destructive ways. These reasons and various others are all factors to consider when thinking of sending your loved one to a drug rehab in Truckee, CA. 

Signs My Loved One Is a Drug Addict

If you are concerned about a loved one and their relationship with drugs or alcohol, it can be difficult for both you and the addict. It can be challenging to gauge the severity of their addiction, and you may not know the best way to approach your loved one about your concerns and the benefits of seeking addiction treatment. Although addiction affects everyone in unique ways, there are some indications that your loved one could be struggling with drugs or alcohol. First, watch for physical changes. These are likely the most notable signs that occur. When someone struggles with addiction, their primary focus is on using or obtaining their substance of choice. 

Because of this, things like hygiene, exercise, eating, and sleeping regularly do not happen as they should. Your loved one may also exhibit changes in behavior. Someone addicted to alcohol or drugs can change in many ways. They may lose interest in things once important to them or have scary and unpredictable mood swings. They may also become isolated and withdrawn. A third, but certainly not final, indication your loved one may be struggling with addiction is new or worsening legal or financial struggles. When addicted to drugs or alcohol, your loved one may focus more on obtaining and using substances than on paying bills, going to work, or following the law. New or worsening financial or legal troubles, including stealing from others, using money to pay for drugs instead of bills, or borrowing money to obtain drugs or alcohol, are all common when someone struggles with addiction. 

Why They Should Go to a Drug Rehab Near Truckee, CA

Loved ones who struggle with an addiction to drugs or alcohol will often do their best to hide their challenge from those around them for as long as possible. Unfortunately, trying to hide their addiction often makes their symptoms, behaviors, and actions worse. It keeps them suffering and struggling with addiction’s behavioral and physical consequences for months or even years until their loved ones realize something is wrong. Seeking comprehensive addiction treatment at an addiction treatment center is an excellent way to take that first step towards a healthy future, free of substance use. 

At a treatment center like Cal Recovery, our caring and compassionate treatment staff are here to support your loved one and your family through the treatment and recovery process. It can be difficult to stand behind your loved one through the tough and challenging times brought on by addiction. It is also difficult to know what to say to your loved one or how to help encourage them to seek potentially life-saving addiction treatment. 

If you are concerned about your loved one or need support and guidance to help talk to your loved one about alcohol or drug addiction, help is here at Cal Recovery. Our caring and compassionate admissions team are here to answer your questions and provide support and guidance throughout the admissions process. To learn more about our Truckee, CA rehab, reach out to our admissions team today