Redefining Valor by Seeking Help and Embracing Vulnerability

Redefining Valor by Seeking Help and Embracing Vulnerability

Defining ‘valor’ may be a challenging thing to do, even for veterans. Despite the word being typically used to address veterans and their acts of service, misunderstandings may still arise about what ‘valor’ truly means. As veterans transition to civilian life, they face a new set of challenges such as trauma, PTSD, addiction, and mental health conditions that redefine the ‘valor’ and strength outside their service. In this blog post, we will discuss how admitting the need to seek help and embracing vulnerability are signs of true ’valor’ and may be the first step towards recovery. 

For individuals in service, ‘valor’ usually means bravery in combat or threatening situations while remaining calm. But during service, personal needs and challenges are often neglected to focus on this goal. While this doesn’t entail that active service members don’t experience trauma, anxiety, depression, and other health conditions, it only highlights the fact that they make a conscious effort to suppress or neglect these feelings, often taking a toll on their personal well-being.

One of the most common ways to ‘push down’ these challenges is the use of drugs or alcohol to “numb” the sensations and “disarm” stressors brought about by these challenges. Moreover, an active drinking culture during service may normalize the use of addictive substances. But for veterans who are transitioning into civilian life, might continue to engage in these practices, resulting in more health challenges during the recovery process. 

The constant attempt to uphold ‘valor’ during and after service not only jeopardizes a veteran’s mental and emotional health during recovery, but also leaves them without practiced strategies to effectively identify and manage these challenges as they transition to civilian life. Adopting a new definition of ‘valor’ might be the key to equipping veterans with a new way of facing these challenges and navigating through a successful healing process. 

Finding a New Meaning of Valor: The First Step Towards Recovery 

As veterans transition to their new lives as civilians, they need to overcome these personal challenges while also dealing with the various external stigma and expectations that can impact their perspective of what is true ‘valor’. The first step to finding a new meaning of ‘valor’ is to acknowledge the challenges that come with the old definitions and that admitting the need for help is also a sign of true ‘valor’ for veterans in their new lives. 

‘Valor’ in civilian life after a time on active duty is no longer the ability to suppress weakness or vulnerability in times of danger but rather the capacity to willingly acknowledge that personal needs should be addressed, and weakness and emotional vulnerability should be embraced and faced head-on. As veterans explore the new-found definition of ‘valor’ by first acknowledging the need for help and support, they can prioritize resilience and bounce back from stresses and obstacles, commit to self-care and personal growth, and confront and challenge stigmas for themselves and the whole veteran community. 

Embracing vulnerability and seeking help have a transformative impact on an individual’s journey to healing and recovery. No veteran must brave the new ideas of ‘valor’ alone, as there are communities and professionals available that will aid in the first step towards effective healing. 

Taking the First Step into Treatment with California Recovery Center 

Exploring a new kind of valor might feel foreign and dreadful, especially to veterans who take pride in the kind of valor from their once active line of duty in service. ‘Valor’ has many definitions, and it is always contextual. Admitting the need for help while transitioning to civilian life is a crucial first step towards effective healing and recovery. Here at the California Recovery Center, we are prepared to help you navigate the different definitions of ‘valor’ to create an effective approach towards healing. Our line of treatments offers specialized veteran substance abuse programs that are evidence-based, including detox, therapy, and ongoing support for our heroes returning from the battlefield. If you or your loved one is a veteran struggling to transition into civilian life, we eagerly welcome you with open arms and a plan for your recovery.

Learn more by reaching out to us at (866) 864-1986. 

Can Cocaine Make You a Better Athlete or Worker?  

cocaine use

Cocaine is a highly addictive stimulant drug widely known for its recreational use. It is not uncommon for people to believe that this drug can enhance their performance and make them better athletes or workers. This belief has led to an unfortunate trend of some individuals using cocaine as a means to improve their productivity and gain a competitive edge.   

But is there any truth to this belief and can cocaine make you a better athlete or worker? Are there side effects of cocaine use? In this blog, we will explore the facts about cocaine, its effects and discuss its implications and dangers.

What is Cocaine?  

Cocaine is known as a highly addictive stimulant drug that is dispersed worldwide. In fact, the National Institute for Drug Addiction Statistics places cocaine it as the second-most trafficked illegal substance consumed globally. However, it also carries a high risk of addiction and a range of negative health consequences. Cocaine has been designated by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) as a Schedule II drug in the United States because of its high potential for misuse and addiction. 

According to the most recent statistics, there are approximately 24,486 people died from an overdose involving cocaine. This stimulant poses a significant threat to the life of the users, particularly to athletes and workers.  

How does Cocaine affect the Brain and Body?  

Several articles, such as Medical News, explain the detrimental effects of cocaine on a person’s performance and health. Most noted that cocaine could increase heart rate and blood pressure, putting athletes at risk of heart attack, stroke, and sudden death. Also, the drug can cause mood swings, aggression, and impaired judgment, negatively impacting a person’s ability to compete at their best.

Additionally, American Addiction Centers (ACA) notes that cocaine abuse over an extended period can result in numerous bodily issues. It is occasionally possible to undo the harm that cocaine consumption has done to the body, but repeated abuse over time may have irreparable consequences on health. Also, treating chronic conditions results in a lifetime of medical issues, hospital and doctor appointments, and financial burdens.

Given the facts about this stimulant, why do some athletes and workers still use it? Now, we will give clarity to the contentious topic of cocaine.

Can Cocaine make you a better Athlete or Worker? 

The answer is no. Cocaine cannot make you a better athlete or worker. In fact, using the drug can seriously negatively affect your health and ability to perform. It can temporarily increase your energy, focus, and confidence. But many short-term and long-term effects of cocaine can harm your body and even threaten your life. It can also lead to addiction, further undermining physical and mental health and interfering with work and athletic goals.

Negative effects of Cocaine on Athletic Performance 

Cocaine is one of the stimulant drugs that increase energy and alertness. Unfortunately, using this drug can harm an athlete’s health and career in sports. These may include:    

Physical Effects: Numerous physical effects are harmful to the body, such as increased heart rate and blood pressure, which can reduce endurance and impair performance. It can also cause dehydration which can lead to fatigue and cramping. It can also disrupt sleep, which is essential for athletic recovery and performance.   

Mental Health effects: Cocaine can harm an athlete’s mental health, including anxiety, paranoia, and mood swings, which can interfere with concentration and focus during competition.

Effect on Career: It is important to note that the use of Cocaine is prohibited by the World-Anti Doping Agency (WADA). Athletes who are caught using drugs can face serious consequences, including suspension, disqualification, loss of sponsorship, damage to their reputation, and even legal consequences. The use of the drug violates the ethical principles of fair play and sportsmanship, as well as the rules and regulations of most sports organizations. 

Negative effects of Cocaine on Working Professionals   

Similarly, some workers may use Cocaine to improve their performance at work, but the risk and dangers of using it in the workplace are consequential. In terms of performance, the use of this drug can have an impact on an individual’s ability to function effectively. Some effects can lead to several problems in the workplace, including:     

1. Decreased productivity and work quality     

2. Missed deadlines and poor time management     

3. Increased absenteeism and tardiness    

4. Accidents or injuries due to impaired judgment     

5. Conflict with colleagues and superiors     

6. Loss of employment due to a drug test or poor performance 

7. Impaired judgment, decreased concentration, and increased risk-taking behavior. 

Healthy Ways to Improve Your Athletic and Work Performance  

There are healthy and legal ways to improve your athletic and work performance. This can be achieved through regular exercise, healthy eating, adequate rest, a good self-care strategy, and seeking professional help if underlying mental health issues are affecting performance. Seeking treatment for cocaine addiction is essential to manage and overcome the problem effectively. Some benefits include improving your physical and mental health and having better relationships with family, friends, and loved ones, which can help reduce relapse.  

Using drugs in sports and workplaces is strictly prohibited and carries significant risks to individuals and those around them. Therefore, athletes and workers need to understand the dangers of this stimulant and seek appropriate help if they struggle with addiction or other drug-related issues. It is always best to avoid using drugs and instead focus on healthy habits and training.

Seek Professional Help with California Recovery Center

Seeking help is not shameful, taking the first step toward recovery can be life-changing. If you or someone you know is struggling with cocaine addiction or any other drug, it is important to seek professional help as soon as possible. California Recovery Center is a reputable treatment facility offering evidence-based addiction recovery approaches, including detox, therapy, and ongoing support. Learn more by reaching out to us at (866) 864-1986. 

FMLA and Substance Abuse: What You Need to Know

confused man with fmla substance abuse letter

You’ve probably heard of FMLA and how employees use it to take time off in order to take care of medical conditions. In many cases, employees utilize FMLA for physical injuries and illnesses – but do you know FMLA also applies to mental health and addiction? Here’s what you need to know about FMLA, substance abuse, and mental health: 

What is FMLA? 

The Family and Medical Leave Act, or FMLA, is a federal law that allows employees to have up to 12 weeks of unpaid medical leave in the face of a serious health condition. An FMLA leave is valid if at least one of the 5 following scenarios is present: 

  1. Their child was recently born and they have to look after them 
  2. They recently adopted a child and must take care of them 
  3. Their spouse, child, or parent is suffering from a serious medical condition 
  4. The employee is undergoing a serious medical condition that hinders their ability to perform the primary responsibilities of their work 
  5. An applicable urgent matter concerning a spouse, child, or parent who is on, or is notified to join, covered active duty in the armed forces 

The FMLA leave protects the employee by ensuring that they return to the same or almost identical position after the term of the leave. It also compels employers to continue the employee’s group health benefits as though the employee was not on leave. 

An employee is eligible to FMLA leaves if they meet the following requirements: 

  • Have worked with the employer for at least 12 months 
  • Rendered at least 1,250 hours of service for the employer during those 12 months 
  • Currently working at a location of the employer with at least 50 employees within a 75-mile radius. 

The FMLA applies to an employer if it falls under one of the following categories: 

  • Any private or public employer that has at least 50 employees 
  • All government agencies 
  • All private and public elementary and high schools 

Take note that this means the FMLA doesn’t apply to employers with less than 50 employees. 

Is addiction and mental health covered by the FMLA? 

The FMLA concerns employees or their immediate family experiencing a serious health condition. This begs the question: does addiction and mental health qualify as a “serious health condition”? 

Fortunately, the answer is yes. The FMLA considers both physical and mental conditions as serious health conditions if these require one of the following two: 

  1. Inpatient care – Overnight stay at a healthcare facility such as a hospital or treatment center 
  2. Continuing treatment by a healthcare provider – More than three consecutive days of the condition incapacitating the individual which necessitates ongoing treatment; or, intermittent periods when the individual is incapacitated by a chronic disease 

This applies not only to an affected employee, but also to any immediate family member undergoing mental health and addiction issues. Thus, it allows employees to take leave in order to have the time to either take care of themselves or their loved ones in the face of a mental health crisis. 

Would your employer discriminate against you for using the FMLA for substance abuse and mental health? 

Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind with the FMLA is, “I think my employer would only be fine with me using an FMLA leave if it’s for a physical condition. They might discriminate against me if the leave is about something intangible like mental health or addiction.” 

Stigma against mental conditions in the workplace is a sad reality. Legally speaking, however, as long as you meet the requirements of the FMLA, your employer can’t refuse your FMLA leave for mental health and addiction. Likewise, they’re obligated to ensure that you return to the same or identical position after your leave expires. 

Besides, mental health and addiction issues are tangible. They can have a severe impact on your performance and lead to: 

  • Absenteeism 
  • More errors in the workplace 
  • Self-isolation from coworkers 
  • Lack of communication 
  • An overall lower drive to perform and excel 

Thus, it would be in the best interest of your employer to respect your FMLA leave due to a mental condition. Plus, despite your mental condition, your employer took you in because of your character, skills, and capabilities. If some time off is needed to allow you to perform at your best, your employer has to grant it. 

Why should you take a leave for mental health or addiction? 

Resilience in the workplace” is a term that gets thrown around whenever topics like workplace stress and challenges are mentioned. While it is a great characteristic to have, it alone is not enough to treat addiction and mental health conditions. 

Serious mental conditions require serious treatment. It involves a lot more than band aid solutions like short-lived motivation from inspirational videos. Mental health and addiction require a deep examination and resolution of the root of the problem affecting the individual. 

Left unchecked, these can affect all facets of life. Stress at work can compound this problem even more, and eventually, your performance will deteriorate. If you’re passionate about your work, this can lead to frustration for you because you know you can do better. 

That’s why you owe it to yourself to take the time you need to recover with the help of professional intervention and rehabilitation. 

Make the most out of FMLA with professional treatment 

If you do decide to take advantage of FMLA for substance abuse, great! You’re one step closer to improving your current condition and getting back to tiptop shape mentally. For best results, review the provisions of the FMLA to make sure that you’re eligible. 

There are individuals and organizations that take addiction and mental health seriously as having a deep impact on everyday life. Recovering from your condition requires rigorous, high-quality care from proven professionals – that’s why you have to start with a recovery center that will look after you in every step of the way. And fortunately, treating substance abuse has become highly flexible as patients can now choose how and where they receive professional treatment. 

At California Recovery Center, we take into heart the significance of professional holistic treatment in every client we have. One of our core missions is to help workers undergo long-term recovery while balancing their lives both at the workplace and in their personal life. We give our clients the option to receive outpatient treatment, where patients are treated both inside and outside the facility, or inpatient treatment, where they are observed and treated actively by healthcare providers inside the facility for an extended period of time.  If you want to make the most out of the FMLA to recover from your substance abuse and mental health issues, feel free to reach out – we’re eager to help you bounce back and stay up. 

How to Support Your Employees Through Their Substance Use and Mental Health Issues

Support of colleague

What is the number one resource of your company? The employees. They are the foundation of your company’s success. Without them, you can’t achieve your goals. Yet, they seem to be often neglected when they have their own issues, usually told to leave at the door and do their jobs. This is even worse if the issues are about mental health or substance abuse in the workplace: some managers see it as a red flag and just boot the employee out the door.

As a leader, it is your responsibility to look after your employees and make sure that they receive the support they need. This is more than just taking care of valuable assets — it’s about helping fellow professionals go through struggles in order to succeed together.

Why should you support your employees with their issues with mental health and substance abuse in the workplace?

You may be thinking, “Their addiction/mental health is their problem, not mine. It’s their responsibility to solve it, and if they can’t, they’re in trouble with me!” There are three problems with this:

  1. Mental health and addiction issues can negatively impact employee engagement. This can result in a 37% higher absence rate, 49% higher accident rate, and 60% more performance errors. 
  1. If neglected for a long time, the employee will quit. After all, why would they stay at a job that doesn’t care about them? 
  1. Company morale will deteriorate. Other employees may be discouraged to work at your company if they think that you don’t care about them.

Above all, you are the leader of the team. The goals of the group are second to the integrity and well-being of your employees, because it is exactly these two factors that are crucial to having a strong team and achieving your goals together. 

Here are other reasons why you should help your employees through their mental health and addiction.

  • It increases overall performance. Clarity of mind free of addiction or mental issues results in improved focus and creativity.
  • It encourages them to stay at your company. Caring bosses are rare nowadays, and being one can be a strong reason why an employee would stay loyal.
  • It opens them up to be more communicative. Employees tend to be more responsive and open to receiving feedback and sharing insights that can be groundbreaking for your team.
  • It improves team integrity. If your entire staff knows that you have their back even through their personal struggles, it can significantly increase employee performance and retention.

Ways you can support your employees

Mental health and substance abuse in the workplace are very sensitive issues. As an employer, there’s only so much that you can do to help them through it. You can’t really solve their problems for them — fortunately, you can make it easier for your employees to resolve their issues. 

Here are some ways how you can do that:

Have a 1-on-1 with them 

It’s not enough to stop at just, “Oh, they have a mental health or addiction issue.” If you want to give meaningful support to your employees, you have to go beyond categorizing issues and fine-tune your help. 

The best way to start is to talk to them personally about their issues. This gives you a clear perspective into what’s affecting them and how you can help them go through their problems. 

Try to make sure that the employee is doing more of the talking. Listen intently to them, ask questions based on what they said, and give suggestions on how you can help them in certain areas.

Encourage a culture of transparency 

Many employees are afraid to share what they feel or think about feedback from their managers and supervisors out of fear that they’ll be alienated or punished. Naturally, this leads to them being afraid of sharing what they think or feel at all. Unfortunately, this also makes addiction and mental health issues worse, since those suffering from them can feel like the workplace is suffocating. 

Instead of keeping your staff in that mindset, let them know that they can feel free to share their thoughts and concerns without worrying about backlash. Do this even if no one has opened up yet about their addiction or mental health issues. Whatever comments they make, always lend an open ear, ask more information about them if necessary, and ask what can be done to resolve them. 

Eventually, your employees will see your company at a positive light and feel happier working there.

Talk to them more often as friends, not as employees 

It’s a common phenomenon for people to act or talk professionally in the workplace and prefer a more formal approach over a casual one. This has become appropriate in only a select few circumstances, like if an employee is new to the company and is trying to get a feel of the culture. However, this can also be alienating, since speaking professionally usually feels unnatural for some people. This is especially because of the expectation to filter out anything considered unnecessary — including personal feelings or concerns. 

Of course, boundaries should always be set when it comes to what should be shared in a professional setting. However, when it comes to conversational style, tone it down to a more casual, friendly one. Believe it or not, this simple change can be substantially beneficial to employees. Instead of spending their energy on trying to sound formal, they can feel free and comfortable to express themselves.  

In other words, as the leader of the workplace, the way you speak influences how your employees speak. So, if you speak in a friendly, casual, and comfortable tone, so too will your employees.

Be more considerate with turnaround 

Those who struggle with substance abuse in the workplace or mental health issues are more likely to have a hard time submitting their work on time. Often times, missing the deadline can contribute to their stress, especially since they’ll usually imagine your disappointment.

If an employee does miss a deadline, ask them how they’re feeling and if they need help with their project. You can also offer to extend the deadline to a later date in order to give them more time to work on it. 

Most of all, assure them that it’s alright if they missed the deadline and that they’re free to ask for support whenever they need it. It won’t guarantee that they’ll eventually submit their work on time more often, but it does make them feel more motivated to work by removing the fear of disappointment. Plus, this is a great first step towards improving their performance by encouraging them to collaborate with their teammates in order to produce more high-quality work.

Formulate a corporate wellness program 

Most of the time, “medical benefits” usually refer to financial support for medical procedures and treatments in hospitals and clinics outside the workplace. This is great, but have you considered having a corporate wellness program for your employees? 

A corporate wellness program is your company’s way of looking after the well-being of your employees. This involves formulating a list of activities and protocols that are built towards improving and maintaining the physical and mental welfare of the staff. 

It’s a fantastic way of supporting your employees by actively providing opportunities within the company to find ways to achieve a sustainable lifestyle. This is especially a great way to improve your employee’s mental health through, for example, activities that reduce stress through team-building games or help out substance use victims through support groups.

Consider treatment for your employees 

The best kind of help you can give to employees struggling from issues with mental health or substance abuse in the workplace is to provide them with proper treatment from professional recovery facilities. At California Recovery Center, we help professionals recover from substance use and mental health issues while balancing their lives at home and at the workplace. Reach out to CRC and give your employees the help they need. 

Benefits of Outpatient Rehab Programs

caucasian male chatting with physician doctor during online telemedicine consultation

When choosing a recovery program, it is important to find one that suits your specific needs. Not all programs are the same and some can vary greatly from a center. Now, there are programs that offer a new option for patients outside of traditional inpatient treatment. Outpatient recovery programs offer different benefits and can serve those who wouldn’t be able to attend an inpatient program.  

Being able to receive treatment without disrupting a patient’s work life or time with their family makes it easier for more people to take that first step in improving their lives. Our goal at California Recovery Center is to make recovery possible for everyone ready to start that journey and we are happy to now offer outpatient programs as part of our services.

Benefits of Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

There are numerous benefits to going through recovery in an outpatient program. Some major benefits include:


Outpatient programs allow patients to receive the care they need while maintaining their daily lives. Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOPs) are more flexible and can fit into patients’ schedules, which is ideal for working professionals.


Some IOPs are completely remote, which allows patients to recover from home. This makes treatment more accessible to those who would otherwise not be able to commute to a treatment center.


IOPs and Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHPs) tend to be less expensive than traditional inpatient programs.


Patients are able to remain home during treatment, allowing patients to go through difficult portions of recovery in a familiar and comforting environment.

Recovery with Flexibility

Unlike traditional inpatient programs, outpatient programs have a lot more flexibility depending on which program you choose. Some require patients to come onsite for therapy sessions 4-5 times a week, while some are entirely remote through telehealth services. The primary goal is to help those with demanding schedules meet their recovery goals, whatever that may look like.

Finding Outpatient Recovery Programs

At California Recovery Center we offer various levels of care in outpatient programs to best serve our patients. We believe in finding the right program for each individual to fit into their specific schedules. If you’re ready to learn more about the outpatient programs, or one of the many other programs we offer at our recovery center, call us today.

The Differences Between Inpatient and Outpatient Programs

Ponder man finding way to solve his problems.

When beginning the search for a recovery program, it’s important to know the differences between the programs a recovery center offers. Not all programs are the same and can differ greatly from center to center. At California Recovery Center, we offer both inpatient and outpatient programs for our patients, but what are the differences between these two options?  

The main difference between inpatient and outpatient programs is right in the name. An inpatient program requires the patient to remain onsite, in the center, through the duration of their treatment, including detox and therapy or group therapy sessions.

Inpatient Recovery Programs 

Inpatient programs are carried out onsite at recovery centers. Patients reside and fulfill the duration of their treatment with the guidance of the center’s healthcare providers. Actives vary from center to center but usually include a form of group therapy, as well as individual therapy. Some centers also provide assisted detox when entering the facility and sober living environments for patients’ post-treatment. 

Outpatient Recovery Program 

Outpatient programs offer a variety of options to this style of treatment depending on programs, telehealth. While these outpatient programs require patients to come onsite for their therapy sessions, but still some offer virtual sessions and are entirely remote.  

An outpatient program allows patients to seek treatment remotely and remain home, out of the center. There are different types of outpatient programs with varying requirements. For example, a partial hospitalization program, or PHP, is more demanding and requires patients to attend onsite sessions 4 to 5 times a week. Intensive outpatient programs, IOPs, require less time onsite. 

Finding the Right Recovery Program  

At California Recovery Center, we are proud to offer both inpatient and outpatient options for our patients. Our qualified staff are skilled in helping each client find the best program for their situation and recovery needs. Get in touch with California Recovery Center here.

How To Find the Best Opiate Treatment Center

How To Find the Best Opiate Treatment Center

Many people are familiar with opioid drugs and the rising rate of addiction throughout the United States stemming from their use. Another term related to substance use and addiction is opiate. It is not uncommon for the terms opioid and opiate to be used interchangeably. However, it is essential to note that the terms mean different things. Opioids are all-natural, synthetic, and semisynthetic opioids. The term opiate refers to natural opioids. Perhaps, it is best to understand the term opiate as a subcategory of opioids. 

Someone with an opiate addiction may be addicted to prescription pain medications such as oxycodone or codeine or illegal opioids like heroin. When someone struggles with opioid addiction, the disease will eventually lead to significant physical and psychological changes to the brain and body. The only safe and effective way to overcome an opiate addiction is at an addiction treatment center like Cal Recovery Center

What Is an Opiate Treatment Center? 

At an opiate treatment center, a team of highly skilled medical and mental health providers will work with you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses your unique needs and goals. Addiction is a disease unique to the individual, and everyone will experience different symptoms and struggles as they detox and work towards sobriety. The best opiate treatment centers offer treatment programs that address the physical and psychological challenges of overcoming addiction. Also, the treatment providers are skilled in addressing co-occurring disorders or dual-diagnosis conditions. This means your treatment program will not only help you get sober but also learn to safely and effectively manage symptoms related to an underlying mental health condition that, without treatment, may hinder your ability to achieve sobriety. 

Signs You Need To Find the Best Opiate Treatment Center

Millions of Americans struggle with a substance use disorder. Opiate drugs, whether prescription or illicit, are highly addictive. Getting sober and maintaining lasting recovery is difficult without the help of a treatment center. Data shows that early and comprehensive treatment provides the best opportunities for recovery. But, how do you know if you need to seek help?

The first sign that you need to find the best opiate treatment center is if you are asking if you need help. Chances are if you are concerned about your substance abuse challenges, it is time to contact the team at Cal Recovery Center for support. Other signs you need to seek help for opiate addiction include not taking your medications as prescribed, drug-seeking or doctor shopping, developing a tolerance, new or worsening financial or legal problems, choosing drugs over essential responsibilities, physical and mental health problems (related to drug use), trying to quit but relapsing and experiencing withdrawal symptoms if you reduce or stop using. While this list is by no means exhaustive, it provides a starting point of signs to look for. 

How Cal Recovery Center Is One of the Best Opiate Treatment Centers 

At Cal Recovery Center, we understand acknowledging a struggle with addiction is difficult. Deciding to leave behind your “normal” life at home with family and friends to seek addiction treatment is one of the most challenging decisions someone struggling to overcome opiates will ever make. However, comprehensive and evidence-based addiction treatment is the safest and most successful way to put addiction in the past and start your journey to lasting recovery. 

At Cal Recovery, we will work with you to ensure the elements of your treatment plan address your needs and goals. We strive to ensure each of our program alumni leaves with the tools needed to safely and successfully cope with triggers and relapse challenges in the future. If you would like to learn more about how Cal Recovery Center is one of the best opiate treatment centers, contact our admissions team today. 

Mindfulness for Relapse Prevention Explained

Mindfulness for Relapse Prevention Explained

Mindfulness practice can be beneficial for a wide range of reasons. People understand mindfulness in different ways. However, in short, mindfulness is the ability to be fully present and aware of them now. The goal is to focus on what we are doing and how we are feeling while not paying attention to what is happening around us. Although everyone possesses the ability to be mindful, not everyone practices mindfulness. 

Although mindfulness can be beneficial for everyone, it is especially helpful for someone who is newly sober or in addiction treatment recovery. Mindfulness-based recovery techniques can help addicts in recovery decrease the power of cravings, improve communication with others, enhanced the ability to cope with stress (without turning distances), and learn new and safer relapse prevention techniques to use after treatment has ended.

What Is Mindfulness for Relapse Prevention? 

Mindfulness-based relapse prevention is a type of addiction treatment program that focuses on ensuring adequate coping mechanisms are in place for the period after treatment ends. This is the time in which relapse is often the most common. Addiction is considered a chronic, relaxing disease, and as many as 60% of individuals who have completed an addiction treatment program will experience at least one incidence of relapse. There are many different types of relapse prevention techniques; however, mindfulness, when learned as a part of addiction treatment, is something that can be used as a lifelong means to reduce stress and reduce the power of relapse triggers.

Mindfulness-based relapse prevention helps someone who is newly sober develop the skills to use mindfulness to manage unhealthy reactions to relapse triggers. Mindfulness for relapse prevention teaches recovering addicts how to be present in the moment and consider the possible outcomes of a situation. It encourages them to realize there are multiple ways to react to a relapse trigger, some of which are beneficial, whereas others are harmful. 

What Are Additional Relapse Prevention Methods? 

Most drug and alcohol rehabs provide relapse prevention education as part of an individually designed addiction treatment program. There are many different relapse prevention tools one can use as part of their day-to-day lives to prevent relapse after completing an addiction treatment program at Cal Recovery Center.

Addiction is a disease unique to the individual. For this reason, it is sometimes necessary to try a range of treatment models and relapse prevention techniques before you find what works best for you. Some of the most common relapse prevention techniques include self-care skills, HALT (hungry, angry, alone, and tired) inventory practice, mindfulness meditation, grounding techniques, continued participation in peer support groups, deep breathing, understanding, and listing your triggers and having an emergency contact list. Keep in mind, this is a shortlist, and what works for you may be something entirely different or a combination of several different skills. 

Relapse prevention education is a vital part of any comprehensive addiction treatment program. During therapy, you will learn and have the opportunity to practice a variety of skills in a safe and supported setting. Many addiction treatment programs also encourage ongoing participation in peer support groups and alumni programs as part of ongoing relapse prevention. Interacting with a group of like-minded individuals who support your sobriety and are focused on maintaining lasting recovery from drug and alcohol abuse can go a long way in preventing relapse. 

If you or a loved one struggles with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, seeking help at an addiction treatment center like Cal Recovery Center is the first step on your journey to lasting recovery. To learn more about how our programs can help you get sober, contact our admissions team today. 

Why You Should Look For Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers in the Bay Area

Why You Should Look For Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers in the Bay Area

Co-occurring disorders, also known as dual diagnoses, are closely connected. Many of the twenty-one million Americans who struggle with a substance use disorder also struggle with one or more mental health conditions. Depending on the individual, they may be aware of one diagnosis or the other (either their addiction or mental health concerns) before realizing that they have a dual diagnosis. Statistics show as many as half of those who seek treatment for mental illness or addiction also experience substance use disorder.

Although there is little evidence to point to one causing the other, struggles with addiction can lead to new or worsening mental health symptoms and ongoing struggles with mental health often lead to drug or alcohol abuse to dull the emotional and psychological symptoms of the illness. Without treatment at an addiction treatment center specializing in dual diagnosis treatment, it can be challenging to fully recover from addiction. 

What Is Dual Diagnosis? 

Dual diagnosis conditions are common. When someone has a dual diagnosis, it means they have both a mental health disorder and a problem with alcohol or drugs. Dual diagnosis conditions often share overlapping symptoms and similar root causes. Co-occurring conditions are significantly intertwined, making the concept of treating one condition without acknowledging the other very difficult and less than beneficial for you. When you choose a dual diagnosis treatment center, you receive treatment in a facility where treatment professionals are trained to address both mental health and addiction-related concerns. Dual diagnosis treatment programs ensure all areas of your diagnosis are addressed, providing the most comprehensive opportunity for recovery.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers in the Bay Area Treat Addiction & Mental Illness 

The best option for someone with a dual diagnosis is to complete a program at a treatment facility where treatment professionals are trained to address co-occurring disorders. 

Dual diagnosis treatment programs at Cal Recovery allow the individual and the treatment team to focus on all areas of the problem providing the most comprehensive opportunity for recovery.

As part of a dual diagnosis treatment program, you will work with your treatment team to identify and address particular mental health conditions that you might struggle with and the emotional and psychological factors that may have led to maladaptive and addictive behaviors. Often, substance abuse develops out of using drugs or alcohol as a form of self-medication. Dual diagnosis therapy can help you learn more about how substances are used to self-medicate and then learn healthier, safer coping strategies to use throughout treatment and recovery.

A specialized dual diagnosis treatment center in the bay area will utilize evidence-based, holistic treatment such as yoga, massage therapy, meditation, and nutritional counseling in conjunction with traditional therapies, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), to ensure the most comprehensive treatment program possible. During counseling, you will participate in one-to-one (individual), group, and family support sessions that address both your addiction and mental health treatment needs.

If you struggle with a mental health condition and a substance use disorder (addiction), dual diagnosis treatment is essential to a safe and successful recovery. Unfortunately, not all addiction treatment programs are equipped to address the unique needs of dual diagnosis treatment. Our highly skilled treatment team at Cal Recovery will work with you to design a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses your specific treatment needs and goals. Our team of addiction treatment and mental health professionals are here to provide support and guidance as you begin your journey to recovery. 

Contact our admissions team at Cal Recovery today if you would like to learn more about dual diagnosis treatment in the bay area and how our programs can help you.