The Best Self-Care for Addicts After They Leave Rehab

by | Feb 12, 2021 | Recovery | 2 comments

Mindfulness and self-care are frequently discussed hot topics today. One does not need to look too hard to read or hear about self-care and mindfulness practices, but not many understand the benefits of self-care and how these techniques can help addicts in recovery. Mindfulness practices have been a part of various lifestyle choices for well over 2,500 years. Mindfulness practices and self-care both improve mental health while promoting physical health and emotional well-being. They can also help calm the mind, helping to relieve anxiety and other emotions that may challenge your sobriety. During addiction treatment, you may have learned about mindfulness and self-care practices. Depending on your unique treatment program, some of these practices may have been integrated into your treatment plan as part of a comprehensive, holistic approach. 

Why Is It Important for Addicts To Practice Self-Care After Rehab?

Achieving sobriety and successfully completing addiction treatment is a significant accomplishment. However, it does not signal the end of your recovery journey. One of the most significant challenges many addicts in recovery face consist of challenges to your psychological mindset. Triggers, cravings, and memories of old behaviors all contribute to ongoing difficulties as you continue to pursue long-term sobriety. Continuing to work on healing the body and mind is an essential part of continued health. Self-care and mindfulness practices have proven effective in altering how the brain functions. The brain itself is an organ shaped by experience and practice. Depending on one’s behaviors and habits, that shaping can be positive or negative. Repeated engagement in negative thoughts or actions is likely to propagate your addiction. Self-care exercises allow you to intentionally and positively reshape how your brain works. Such changes can allow you more control over your thoughts and behaviors, especially those pertaining to addiction. 

Self-Care Tips for Recovering Addicts

There are many ways addicts in recovery can practice self-care. It is important to remember that during the early stages of recovery (as well as long after treatment has ended), it can be beneficial to take a moment to sit with your emotions and remind yourself of your beliefs and the reason why you chose to seek treatment. Sobriety is not always easy to maintain. There will be bumps in the road, difficulties along the way, and moments where triggering experiences may take you to the edge of relapse. It is moments like these when self-care can be so beneficial. 

In addition to some more popular self-care options such as those briefly mentioned below, simple breaks to focus on yourself and take a shower or bath, watch a movie, or read a book can allow you the time you need to disconnect from everything else and regulate your emotions. 

Many treatment programs incorporate various self-care options into their treatment plans. Some of the most common examples include exercise, yoga and meditation, and alternative therapies, including art in music therapy. These treatment opportunities not only help enhance the benefits of addiction treatment during the “actual” treatment process, but they provide skills that can be used long term. Many of these alternative treatment options that involve self-care can provide ways to keep you physically and emotionally healthy. It is important to remember that the actual activity of choice is not as important as finding the self-care option that works for you and using it when you need to calm your mind or negotiate a triggering situation. 

You Can Achieve Sobriety With the Help of California Recovery Center

Addiction is a chronic, challenging disease to overcome. Self-care can provide various options in practices you can turn to when you need help with the emotions you may experience throughout the recovery process. The best part of self-care and mindfulness practice is that it can be called upon anywhere, at any time. It does not require you to be part of a support group, participating in a therapy session, or be immersed in a recovery program. Mindfulness can be practiced sitting in your car, while taking a walk, or relaxing at the beach. Self-care is an essential part of addiction treatment aftercare programs. If you would like to learn more about self-care, and the robust aftercare programs provided at Cal Recovery, reach out to our admissions team today. 

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