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Bravery Beyond ServicE

In the journey from service to civilian life, find strength in facing addiction and mental health challenges with us. The transition from service to civilian life can be demanding. Find the strength to overcome addiction and mental health challenges with us. CRC offers personalized treatment programs to guide you on your path to fulfilling civilian life and a brighter future. 

Empowering Veterans Towards Recovery and Strength

California Recovery Center (CRC) is an award-winning treatment provider for drug and alcohol addiction with co-occurring mental health issues. At CRC, we recognize the courage it takes for veterans to face their battles beyond the battlefield. Our serene environment and treatment facilities are designed to provide veterans with the comfort and support they need on their recovery journey. With a team of experienced professionals, we’re dedicated to helping you rediscover your strength. Our commitment is to stand by you, offering specialized programs that respect your experiences and confidentiality. Embrace a community that understands your journey and is dedicated to walking beside you towards recovery.  

Our Commitment to Veterans

Expertise in Treating PTSD, Trauma, and Addiction

Tailored approaches to address the root of your battles.

A Dual Diagnosis Program Tailored for Veterans 

Comprehensive care that understands and meets your unique needs.

A Journey of Recovery with Respect and Confidentiality

Your bravery is honored here, in every step towards healing.

Dual Diagnosis Program

Our Dual Diagnosis Program is specially designed to address the intertwined challenges of addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders, such as PTSD and trauma, that many veterans face. By treating both aspects together, we offer a more effective and holistic approach to recovery. Our team of experts provides personalized care, supporting you through detoxification, therapy, and ongoing recovery planning.  

Integrated Approach

Dual-diagnosis treatments offer an integrated approach that simultaneously addresses substance use disorders and mental health conditions. This is critical for veterans, as these issues are often intertwined, with one exacerbating the other. An integrated treatment plan can lead to better outcomes than treating one condition at a time.

Peer Support

Dual-diagnosis treatment programs for veterans incorporate group therapy or peer support components. Veterans may feel more comfortable sharing their experiences and challenges with peers who have gone through similar experiences. This sense of camaraderie and understanding can foster a supportive environment conducive to recovery.

Comprehensive Care

These programs provide a comprehensive approach to care, which may include medication management, psychotherapy, and support for reintegration into civilian life. Addressing the full spectrum of a veteran's needs can help in achieving a more stable and healthy life.

Prevention of Relapse

By addressing the root causes of substance abuse and mental health issues together, dual-diagnosis treatments can help reduce the risk of relapse. Veterans learn how to identify triggers and avoid situations that might lead to a relapse, thereby maintaining their progress over the long term.

Tailored to Individual Needs

Dual-diagnosis treatment programs for veterans are designed to be flexible and tailored to the individual's specific needs, recognizing that each veteran's experiences and challenges are unique. This personalized approach can enhance the effectiveness of the treatment.


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January 7


Start healing by strengthening your mind and body​. A 30-minute workout session with Coach Kevin Mefford to...


January 21


Start healing by strengthening your mind and body​. A 30-minute workout session with Coach Kevin Mefford to...


January 14


Start healing by strengthening your mind and body​. A 30-minute workout session with Coach Kevin Mefford to...


January 28


Start healing by strengthening your mind and body​. A 30-minute workout session with Coach Kevin Mefford to...

Success Stories

Hear firsthand the story of courage and recovery from Bill. Through CRC's specialized programs, he found the courage to seek help and rediscover his strength. Let's inspire each other to take that first step towards healing.

“Going to California Recovery Center was the best decision I’ve ever made. After years of being in my addiction, I was done with the lies to myself and my family. I was tired of being sick and my health was not good. After arriving at CRC, I was met with a team of professional people who cared for my needs in every way. I was treated with the utmost respect I was taught about my addiction, and how it impacted my life. I had instructors, counselors walk by my Side every step of the way. Thank you, CRC team, for my recovery”
Bill S.

Support the Advocacy

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Begin Your Journey to Recovery Today

our bravery doesn’t end on the battlefield. Facing addiction and mental health challenges requires courage, and CRC is here to support you every step of the way. Let us help you find the path to recovery and strength. Reach out today, and let’s start this journey together.  

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