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more information about addiction

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A collection of videos created to demystify topics related to substance use and mental health issues. 

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Get to know more about substance use disorder and mental health concerns through California Recovery Center’s social media channels. These channels aim to provide awareness and advocate the end of the stigma around addiction. 


Finding the Right Path: Treatment Options for Mental Health Conditions 

Finding the Right Path: Treatment Options for Mental Health Conditions 

Wherever you are at the stage of recovery from addiction, understanding the variety of treatment options for mental health conditions…
How to Stay Sober: Alcohol Relapse Prevention

How to Stay Sober: Alcohol Relapse Prevention

Relapse prevention is essential to maintaining long-term sobriety and may open paths to a more rewarding, health-conscious life.
Independence Day Tribute: Helping Veterans Overcoming Alcoholism and Addiction

Independence Day Tribute: Helping Veterans Overcoming Alcoholism and Addiction

As we come together to celebrate Independence Day, we pay tribute to the bravery and sacrifices of our veterans, who…

We are here for you

Ready to talk? Call us.

If you or a loved one struggles with addiction, it is vital to seek treatment. California Recovery Center is available to help you day and night, with a free initial consultation

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