Recovery and Dual Diagnosis

Dual Diagnosis

Dual diagnosis is a condition where a person suffering from mental health issues also suffers from substance addiction. This is sometimes uncovered when a patient seeks treatment, as health care providers try to get a deeper understanding of the patient’s life. It was originally believed, and still is in some medical circles, that mental health disorders are unrelated to alcohol and drug addiction.  

However, many health care providers have changed their stance on this issue and now believe both afflictions must be treated simultaneously. Patients labeled with this are generally considered to be more difficult to treat, but that shouldn’t discourage those individuals from seeking the help they need.  

How to Define Dual Diagnosis  

Dual diagnosis does not have one set combination, which is another part that makes it more difficult to treat. There is no set definition for dual diagnotion, other than the combination of mental health affliction and addiction. This can vary widely, which is why it is so important for healthcare professionals to get a more personalized understanding of each individual. This allows them to treat each patient’s specific combination of needs.  

How to Treat Dual Diagnosis 

For dual-diagnosis patients to be successful in their recovery, both issues need to be treated simultaneously: their addiction and their mental health affliction. This can be a challenge not only for the health care provider but for the client as well. Simultaneous therapy can be draining to the individual, which is why it’s important to find a facility that is versed in handling these types of procedures.  

If you or someone you love is seeking treatment and has received a dual diagnosis, you’ll want to seek a center with a skilled health care professional with a specific background in treating these types of patients. California Recovery Center is uniquely equipped to treat dual-diagnosis patients. If you’re looking to begin your recovery journey and treatment, reach out to us today!  

Alcohol Awareness Month 

The month of April has been dubbed in the recent past as Alcohol Awareness month. During this month, individuals are encouraged to reflect on their alcohol intake and educate the community on treatment with the goal of preventing and treating alcoholism.  

Through reflection and education, Alcohol Awareness Month is meant to give individuals the chance to actively take note of their alcohol consumption; a habit that can so easily be overlooked in daily life and especially in a society that encourages the consumption of alcohol as a way to relax and socialize within their lives. 

Alcoholism in the U.S. 

Alcoholism is ranked as the top public health issue in the nation. For such a treatable disease, there is a disparage of misinformation and a lack of education around the topic. This is one of the main reasons April is dedicated to alcohol awareness; to raise awareness of this entirely treatable condition. Since the pandemic, there has been an increase in alcohol abuse in the United States.  

How to Observe Alcohol Awareness Month 

A challenge that people can engage in during this month is choosing a weekend within the month to go Alcohol-free. The purpose of this exercise is to take note of how you feel during the days you’re drinking in contrast to how you feel during the alcohol-free days. This gives you a chance to take stock of how alcohol is actually affecting you; whether it is minimal, neutral, or negative, you have the opportunity to become conscious of the impact it has on your life.  

If your body has become conditioned to regular alcohol intake, you could experience flu-like symptoms within this short period of time. This is known as withdrawal and could be a sign of deeper dependence on the substance.  

What to Do if You’re Struggling with Alcohol 

If you feel you may be struggling with alcohol addiction, call California Recovery Center. We are happy to help you start your journey to a healthier balanced life! 

Take our alcohol use quiz to determine whether you are consuming a dangerous amount of alcohol. You can access the quiz here.

Discovering Boutique-Style Recovery Facility 

Boutique-style recovery facility

Since the start of COVID-19, there has been a rise in the number of people suffering from substance abuse disorder or SUD. However, not everyone has the right support system around them to help overcome their problems. Most rehabilitation facilities host a number of people in their sessions, which doesn’t work for all patients. Some have the tendency to be overlooked if they are uncomfortable sharing their struggles with a large group of people. Luckily, boutique-style recovery facilities are available, and their services are helping people at all comfort levels. 

What is a Boutique-Style Facility? 

The term “boutique” can be defined as a small business or establishment that offers a highly-specialized service or product and usually to a sophisticated or particular clientele. Going by that definition, boutique-style facilities offer personalized services that are not usually possible at larger facilities. Boutique-style facilities usually serve a small group of people and offer more individualized treatment programs. Boutique-style recovery facilities offer a unique kind of approach as it focuses on the individual, their needs, and how those can be met, so residents are comfortable in their journey to overcome their substance abuse disorders and mental health problems. 

Why Choose California Recovery Center? 

California Recovery Center (CRC) is a boutique-style treatment facility for addiction and mental health in Northern California and is considered one of the best rehabilitation centers in the Sacramento area. CRC understands that at its core, addiction is an individual disease with shared experiences. Each person requires a personalized path to long-term recovery. Here at CRC, we treat each and every resident as the unique individual they are. We are here to guide residents to their personal solutions, utilizing a variety of evidence-based, traditional, holistic, and modern therapies. 

To learn more about CRC and how our personalized treatment program can help you detox and recover from addiction, contact our admissions team today. 

Benefits of Detoxing


We won’t dress it up; detoxing can be an arduous process. While going through detox, your body is working hard to remove the toxins accumulated in your system. This can create a harsh set of withdrawal symptoms, but once these clear up, you will notice a sense of renewal. Though beginning the first steps to detoxing can seem steep, the outcomes are well worth taking on the challenge. Here are some of the benefits to look forward to once you’re on the other side of detoxing. 

Improved Physical Health 

By going through detox, you’re freeing your body from its dependency on drugs or alcohol. Doing this can reset your body’s system and allow it to begin strengthening its natural functions. Organs, such as the liver that processes toxins, can begin to regenerate as it is not in a constant cycle of abuse.

Switching from restless nights brought on by addiction and back to a normal sleep cycle will further assist in the removal of toxins through the glymphatic system.  

Improved Behavior  

When you detox, you create stability; not only within your body but in your life. No longer subject to rapid mood swings. As previously mentioned, you are regaining clarity of mind and the ability to make better choices, thus improving your potential for better connections in your social life. You have the ability to take control of your life on your own terms and build new, healthy habits. Part of overcoming addiction is breaking the cycle of negative habits. By going through the rehabilitation process and fully detoxing, you can begin to set short and long-term goals that you are more likely to follow through on and thus begin to rebuild positive long-lasting habits

Because detoxing can vary so greatly from person to person, it is important to do it with a team. Though at times it may seem like you’re going through this process alone, we guarantee you’re not. At CRC, we’re here to walk with you through each step of your journey. Find out more about our unique, boutique-style facility today and see how our specialized programs can help you!  

Recovery as a Resolution

As we greet the new year, many of us try to map out what it will look like by creating resolutions for ourselves. The most common resolutions usually correlate to improving health and overall wellbeing. We often see exercise, weight loss, and healthy eating topping the chart. Other lifestyle improvements, such as quitting smoking and reducing drinking also appear frequently. Some people also wants to get sober and set recovery as a resolution.

An Opportunity for a Clean Slate

Those suffering from addiction look to New Year’s resolutions as an opportunity for a clean slate. A fresh year and a fresh start. Like other resolutions, it is a well-intentioned goal and can be a great starting point for those looking to being their recovery journey.  

However, attributing recovery to the same means as losing weight can create difficulty in meeting these goals; as resolutions tend to take on the same effectiveness as fad diets. A major issue being people create these resolutions out of guilt, instead of self-care. Sure, you may not be happy with your current situation, but to make real change you have to believe you are worthy of a better life and look at these goals as improvements, not punishments.  

Self-love and a Positive Mindset

Another problem comes from the time expectations built into a resolution, to make a huge life change suddenly and in a relatively small amount of time. Creating such big expectations for ourselves leaves no room for setbacks, which are part of the growth process. Often, growth is not linear and these “mistakes” help us learn what we need to work on. However, perceiving each misstep as an absolute failure, creates negative thought patterns and internal language. Again, this needs to be about self-love and a positive mindset is key.  

Instantaneous gratification is not equal to a sustainable lifestyle. At California Recovery Center (CRC), we believe in creating healthy and balanced lifestyles, which make recovery more attainable. Looking at the end goal, rather than the journey to get there. This is one reason a lot of people throw in the towel within the first few months. 

It’s important to remember that resolutions and recovery are not synonymous. You do not need the start of the year or instrumental marker to begin your journey out of addiction. You need only to be ready.  

If you or a loved one struggles with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, seeking help at an addiction treatment center like CRC is the first step on your journey to lasting recovery. To learn more about how our programs can help you get sober, contact our admissions team today. 

The Best Options for Getting Heroin Addiction Help

Getting Heroin Addiction Help

Opioid addiction, whether prescription or manufactured opioids, touches the lives of millions of Americans each year. The impacts of opioid use and abuse are not restricted to any one community, state, or demographic. An opioid addict can be a friend, neighbor, community figure, or the local corner store owner. An opioid is a broad term used to classify a variety of prescription and illicit drugs, including prescription painkillers and “street drugs” such as heroin. Without addiction treatment, many who struggle with a heroin addiction succumb to overdose due to its powerful effects. 

A Deep Dive Into Heroin Addiction

Heroin is an opioid drug manufactured from morphine, a naturally occurring substance taken from the seed pod of the opium poppy plants grown in Asia, Mexico, and Columbia. Depending on how it is manufactured, heroin may be a white or brown powder or a black sticky substance with the consistency of tar. The latter of these is also referred to as black tar heroin. Heroin is also known by several other names, including hell dust and smack. Unlike several other opioids, there are multiple ways heroin can be introduced into the body. It can be snorted, smoked, inhaled through the nose, or injected. Some people also mix heroin with crack cocaine to create a more potent drug. This practice is known as speedballing. 

Heroin is a highly addictive drug. The effects on the body are very rapid, and it does not take long for someone who uses heroin regularly to develop a tolerance for its effects. Once someone develops a tolerance, they require larger or more frequent doses of heroin to achieve desired results. In recent years the rate of heroin use and overdose has increased dramatically. Unfortunately, the rate of those seeking treatment to help conquer heroin addiction has not increased as rapidly. 

In 2019, nearly 15,000 people lost their lives to heroin overdose. It is believed this is partially due to efforts across the nation aimed at reducing the number of opioid prescriptions provided to patients by the medical community. Because prescription pain medicines such as Oxycontin and Vicodin have similar effects to heroin, research suggests that prescription painkillers are often gateway drugs to heroin. Surveys conducted within the last few years show a percentage of those who misused prescription opioids often switched to heroin. 

Why You Should Turn to Professionals for Heroin Addiction Help

If you are addicted to heroin and experience the physical and psychological symptoms of dependence on the drug, you will likely experience withdrawal symptoms when you reduce or try to stop using. In many cases, these withdrawal symptoms are often severe and overwhelming. In the most severe cases, withdrawal symptoms from heroin (and other opioids) could include severe and life-threatening withdrawal symptoms. These may consist of delirium tremens (DTs), abnormal heart rate, abnormal respiratory rates, and seizures. Depending on the duration and severity of your addiction, withdrawal symptoms can occur in as few as six hours after your last dose. For many addicts who try to quit heroin without professional help, relapse occurs once withdrawal symptoms begin. They are often too powerful to overcome without the support found in a medically assisted detox program like Cal Recovery. 

If you are ready to get clean from heroin, it is highly recommended you do so in a medically supervised detox setting. While detoxing, highly trained staff will continually monitor your physical, emotional health to make detox more manageable and ensure your safety throughout the process. If you, a friend, or a loved one struggles with heroin addiction, don’t wait to seek treatment. Chronic heroin addiction can result in detrimental physical and psychological effects. Ongoing regular use often makes it difficult to admit that you have an addiction. Let the team at Cal Recovery help you begin your journey to freedom from heroin addiction today

What Are the Signs of Alcohol Dependence?

Early Signs of Alcohol Withdrawal

Estimates provided by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism estimate over seventeen million American adults have an alcohol use disorder. Another nine-hundred thousand adolescents and teens between the ages of twelve and seventeen struggle with alcohol. Unlike some other addictions, alcohol dependence does not happen after a single use; it emerges out of long-term alcohol abuse. 

Is Alcohol Addictive?

Alcohol is one of the most commonly abused addictive substances in the nation. Data provided by the National Council on Alcohol & Drug Dependence, nearly twenty million Americans struggle with alcohol dependence or addiction. Alcohol has addictive qualities that have both physical and psychological impacts. When you drink alcohol, the body produces dopamine and endorphins. These chemicals are responsible for producing feelings of pleasure and satisfaction. They also act as a natural pain reducer. Chronic alcohol use results in physical changes to the brain chemistry. The longer one uses, the more they “want” to drink to ensure they can repeat feelings of happiness and pleasure that result from drinking. If not adequately treated, alcohol abuse often evolves into alcohol dependence and addiction. 

What Are the Signs of Alcohol Dependence?

Someone who struggles with alcohol dependence will turn to alcohol even though alcohol introduces challenges into their lives. Once someone has developed an alcohol dependence, physical symptoms will also develop. Some of the most common indicators of alcohol dependence include:

  • Continuing to drink despite new or ongoing physical and psychological challenges
  • Craving alcohol when one does not have a drink in their hand or access to alcohol
  • Developing a tolerance for the effects of alcohol requiring more alcohol to achieve “that feeling”
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not drinking (common examples include nausea, sweating, agitation, heart racing, and tremors)

Many believe their drinking, especially if moderate (in frequency and amount), will not become or is not a problem. It is also a common misconception that if someone “doesn’t drink often enough,” then alcohol dependence will not develop. Unfortunately, the reverse is often true. Even if only occasional, long-term drinking can lead to increased tolerance and an increased desire to drink more to achieve feelings of relaxation and ease frequently brought about by intoxication. Once someone becomes significantly dependent on alcohol, it can become much more challenging to decide to get sober or successfully achieve sobriety without addiction treatment. 

What Is the Best Course of Action to Take When Dealing With Alcoholism?

Unlike many chronic illnesses, alcohol dependence can be defeated by seeking addiction treatment and completing detox and rehab. At Cal Recovery Center, we realize the decision to enter therapy is one that comes with difficulty. Despite all of the changes to how addiction treatment is viewed in the last decade, there are still many real and upsetting stigmas and misconceptions surrounding those who struggle with addiction. You may wonder how a stay in an addiction treatment center will impact your job and your family. Many are also concerned about their physical and emotional well-being while away from family and loved ones. 

Achieve Sobriety at Cal Recovery Center

Withdrawal from alcohol is often equally (if not more) challenging than detox from any other addictive substance. Detox is not a process you should undergo alone, or without adequate physical, emotional and medical support such as that provided at Cal Recovery Centers medical supervised detox program. A
t Cal Recovery Center, we will work with you to develop a unique and individualized treatment program based on your specific treatment needs and goals. Using a combination of evidence-based traditional therapies and holistic, alternative therapy models, our programs are designed to help ensure the best opportunity to attain and maintain sobriety. If you are ready to start your journey to a life without substances, contact our admissions team at Cal Recovery Center today.

Detox from Drugs and Alcohol in Northern California

Millions of Americans struggle each day with addiction to drugs or alcohol. Unfortunately, of those millions who need addiction treatment, only a small percentage will ever receive the help they need. For many, detox is the first step on the journey to sobriety. Movies and reality have done little over the last couple of decades to ease the concerns many have when considering detox and subsequent recovery. Successful treatment requires your body to be “clean” of substances, and for this reason, detox is essential. While quitting “cold turkey” may seem easier or less disruptive to your daily life, it may be far less safe or successful. Detoxing from certain substances can produce dangerous, sometimes fatal withdrawal symptoms, which can be successfully managed as part of a detox program at an addiction treatment center

Why You Shouldn’t Detox Off Drugs and Alcohol Alone

When you stop or reduce your use of drugs or alcohol, withdrawal symptoms often happen. Depending on the duration and severity of your addiction, as well as which substance(s) you used, withdrawal symptoms will be different. For some, withdrawal symptoms may be mild and easily managed. However, for others, the withdrawal process can result in dangerous and even fatal symptoms. This is especially true when detoxing from certain substances, including alcohol and opioids. For these reasons, it is essential to complete detox at an addiction treatment facility like Cal Recovery Center, where medically assisted detox services are available. 

The specific symptoms each person experiences during withdrawal may vary, but generally, all withdrawal includes some level of:

  • Restlessness and anxiety
  • Muscle aches and bone pain
  • Gastrointestinal difficulties such as cramping, diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Changes to breathing patterns
  • Changes to sleeping patterns

When detoxing from alcohol, withdrawal symptoms can lead to severe and sometimes deadly complications. The most severe withdrawal symptoms occur in the minority of cases, approximately ten percent. However, should they occur, it is essential for emergency medical services to be on hand or readily available. Some of the more severe withdrawal symptoms which can occur when detoxing from alcohol include seizures, delirium tremens (DTs), and new or worsening psychiatric issues that can lead to erratic and dangerous behaviors. Other acute withdrawal symptoms that can occur include heart attacks, stroke, and respiratory arrest. For these reasons, choosing to detox alone can be dangerous regardless of the substance you are detoxing from. 

At a detox center in northern California where medically supervised detox is provided, a team of highly trained medical staff can guide you through the detox process. During medically supervised detox, monitoring is provided on a 24-hour basis. Also, medications can be provided to alleviate the discomfort and risk of specific withdrawal symptoms. Depending on the individual, the detox process typically lasts between three and seven days. Aside from the physical and emotional symptoms of detox, one of the most crucial reasons to choose a drug detox center with medically supervised detox is relapse. Statistics show relapse rates for people in recovery range from forty to sixty percent. The highest percentage of relapse is often found among those trying to detox alone. 

How to Find Detox Centers in Northern California

To support and ensure the best chances for success in addiction treatment, it is essential to find the right detox center where you can safely and successfully complete detox. Our treatment programs at Cal Recovery Center provide traditional addiction treatments with holistic and alternative therapy options to provide individualized addiction treatment designed to meet your unique needs. Detox is not easy and is even more daunting when attempted without compassionate support. Don’t let addiction take another day. Contact Cal Recovery Center to begin your journey to sobriety today. 

Executive Rehab for Working Professionals

rehab for working professionals

Every day across the nation, as many as twenty-one million people struggle with addiction. For many, there are often various barriers to seeking treatment. One of the most common obstacles for working professionals facing addiction is the ability to take time off from their employment responsibilities to seek drug and alcohol addiction treatment. Some may be concerned about losing their jobs, whereas others may worry if their business can operate smoothly without them in the office. 

This is a common challenge for professionals of all levels in the business community, including Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), Chief Financial Officers (CFOs), and Chief Operating Officers (COOs). Executive rehab offers therapy in a setting that allows executives to work towards sobriety while creating a minimal impact on both their professional and personal lives. 

Addiction can affect anyone, regardless of employment or income status. Statistics show nearly 78% of Americans who fall into the upper-income brackets (earning more than $75,000 annually) struggle with problem drinking as compared to only 45% of those with an income below $30,000 annually. Unfortunately, when you have many responsibilities at work, it is common to postpone treatment out of fear related to stigma or company success. For these reasons, executive drug treatment centers like Cal Recovery Center offer executive rehab options. 

Are Rehabs for Executives Different Than Others?

Executive rehab centers place priorities on confidentiality and often provide services amenities not found in traditional rehab settings. At Cal Recovery Center, our patients can maintain their work responsibilities while seeking essential rehab treatment without an extended absence from their position at work. For those who have essential functions or for whom stigma is a concern, this can be a crucial deciding factor between going or not going to treatment. In addition to allowing work access and protecting one’s “status” within an organization, executive rehabs afford amenities and benefits individuals with an executive lifestyle are used to. This is not to say the services provided at a traditional rehab center are in any way substandard or ineffective in meeting treatment goals. 

Executive treatment centers (also called luxury rehab) offer high-end services such as spas, organic and specialty diets, pools, and fitness centers. Also, services like acupuncture, massage therapy, yoga, meditation, and other alternative therapies are often part of the standard treatment model at an executive rehab. Many executive rehabs provide options for patients to utilize private spaces for meetings and allow patients to keep their cellular devices in their possession throughout treatment. These are often essential components to maintaining a presence in the corporate environment. 

Benefits of Executive Drug Treatment

Regardless of job title or income level, addiction is a challenge anyone can face. Addiction is a chronic disease that can have dangerous consequences if ignored. Thousands of Americans die each year due to alcohol-related causes or drug overdose. Executive rehab affords working professionals and corporate executives the ability to seek and receive essential addiction treatment and care without removing themselves from their positions within their organizations. Executive rehab allows you to receive evidence-based, comprehensive addiction therapy in the most comfortable setting possible. Executive rehabs provide many different essential services, including medically supervised detox, traditional addiction treatment models, alternative and holistic treatment options. All of the above is provided in luxury settings, often including scenic views and vacation-like settings. 

Reach Out to Our Executive Alcohol Treatment Center for Help With Addiction

If you are one of the millions of Americans struggling with substance addiction and have decided it is time to seek treatment, don’t wait another day. Our executive addiction treatment program at Cal Recovery Center can ensure you receive the highest quality addiction treatment while maintaining continuous contact with home and work. If you would like to learn more about executive rehab in Silicon Valley and Northern California, contact Cal Recovery Center today. 

Finding the Best Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers in Sacramento

Group therapy session in one of the best drug and alcohol treatment centers in Sacramento

In a 2022 study by California Health Care Foundation, 50% of California residents who are at least 12 years old reported drinking alcohol, 20% have tried marijuana — and only 10% received treatment from for substance use. The population of Sacramento suffers the brunt of substance abuse. This makes drug and alcohol treatment centers in Sacramento instrumental in combatting substance abuse. 

If you or a loved one lives in California, you’re at risk of undergoing or being influenced into substance use. Preparation is the key to avoiding dependence. It involves keeping a treatment center on hot dial when you do undergo substance abuse. 

The challenge is finding the best one, but don’t worry. Here’s what you need to know about finding the best drug and alcohol treatment centers in Sacramento: 

What is the purpose of professional drug and alcohol treatment? 

Drug and alcohol dependence can tremendously affect all facets of life. People undergoing substance abuse are unable to function properly and reach their maximum potential. 

Worse, substance abuse can result in mental health issues. Together, these can make life so much more difficult. 

That’s what recovery centers are for: they provide drug alcohol and treatment programs to help substance abuse victims get back on their feet through tried-and-true programs. 

While it’s not impossible to recover on your own, it’s much easier and hassle-free with professional treatment. Plus, even when you’ve stayed drug or alcohol-free for months, you’re still under risk of relapse. Treatment centers make sure that you receive the support you need to achieve genuine lifetime sobriety. 

Here are a few other reasons why you should get professional drug and alcohol treatment: 

  • Shorter, more secure recovery – Treatment centers keep a very watchful eye on your recovery progression. Not only does this mean better security as you recover, but it also means that your recovery can be much shorter. Self-rehabilitation tends to have a higher likelihood of failure due to relapse, resulting in a longer time to recover
  • Proven expertise and facilities – Verified recovery centers have substance abuse therapy professionals, updated equipment, and conducive environment that are specialized for recovery in mind. 
  • Helpful support system – You can meet and befriend addiction experts and other people who are also struggling with the same problems. Treatment centers like California Recovery Center have a positive, friendly environment where patients can feel free to vent their thoughts and struggles without judgment. 

What should you look for in drug and alcohol treatment centers in Sacramento? 

Addiction treatment has evolved greatly to the point that it can tailor to the unique needs of each patient. Hence, the ideal recovery center should offer a caliber of medical care that can accommodate your specific situation. 

Here are three key features you have to look for in a treatment center: 

Flexibility of treatment options

Nowadays, high quality comprehensive medical care is a bare minimum in treatment centers. One crucial feature that you should look for in a recovery center is flexibility. 

There are two main types of treatment programs: 

  1. Outpatient – Going to the facility on a scheduled basis. Ideal for those who want to be treated while maintaining a balanced life. 
  1. Inpatient – Staying in the facility for at least a day to receive constant medical support. Ideal for detoxification and receiving continued support after being alcohol or drug-free for a certain period of time. 

Your treatment center of choice should offer both treatment options through a variety of programs that suit your needs. 

For instance, treatment centers offer various modalities (or methods of treatment) such as: 

  • Individual psychotherapy 
  • Group therapy 
  • Family therapy 

In addition to those methods, California Recovery Center provides specialized modalities like: 

  • Behavioral therapy 
  • Recreational therapy 
  • Trauma therapy 

California Recovery Center also offers telehealth outpatient programs for virtual therapy, which is suitable for professionals, caregivers, and other patients with mild symptoms who want to receive treatment without the hassle of traveling. 

Holistic custom-tailored approach

No matter which program you choose, your chosen treatment center must utilize an approach in treating you that is complete and tailored to your needs. 

During your first days of treatment, you must receive individualized assessments to determine what you need to recover. These tests take into consideration your current condition, what needs to be done to treat it, and your unique needs (e.g. work and other commitments) to create a treatment plan that’s best for you. 

Throughout the process, they should also provide you with psychoeducation, as it is a vital part of recovery. At California Recovery Center, for example, we teach our patients about their condition and what is needed to treat it. This gives them a better understanding of their dependence, which leads to higher chances of long-term success.

Finally, you should also receive comprehensive aftercare. Treating substance abuse doesn’t stop after you leave the treatment center — it’s a lifelong effort. Even when you’ve achieved complete sobriety, you can still fall back to dependence at any point in your life. The ideal recovery center understands this and continuously supports you for as long as you need assistance in recovering completely. 


The ideal treatment center is easy to access. Travel time and distance are factors in how accessible a facility is, but there are other things to consider as well: 

  • Methods of communication – There must be multiple ways of contacting the facility, such as calling, texting, emailing, or sending a message through the contact form on their website. 
  • Responsiveness – The facility should be fast in responding to your queries 
  • Consistent customer support – Your point of contact must be able to get back to you consistently to accommodate your inquiries 

Recover from substance dependence with professional treatment at California Recovery Center 

Substance abuse is challenging to overcome — finding the best drug and alcohol treatment centers in Sacramento shouldn’t be. If you’ve been having a hard time finding the right treatment center for you, our therapy professionals will lend an open ear to listen to your needs. 

Here at California Recovery Center, our mission is to make sure that all our patients receive the care and support they need for their recovery to succeed. Our services include a variety of outpatient and inpatient treatment programs custom-tailored to each patient. We also offer telehealth outpatient for patients who want to recover from substance abuse without the hassle of travel. 

Whether you’re currently undergoing substance abuse or interested in learning more on how we can help you, feel free to reach out to us any time. We’re eager to offer you all of our support.